The Angus breed is characterized by not having horns and it is a breed that adapts to many types of climate, which has allowed its export and expansion to other countries like the United States or Argentina.
The original Angus comes from Ireland, specifically from the counties of Angusshire and Aberdeenshire and the cattle has black or reddish color. The origin of the breed began in the nineteenth century.
Black Angus is the result of importing Angus cattle into the United States. Today hundreds of countries have already imported these animals and therefore the varieties of Angus have multiplied.
In Ireland, pastures and land, along with weather stations, make these animals reach the right weight in about 18 months, growing up in freedom and mainly breast milk and grass in the first year. Later they feed on cereals and maize, which allows them to gain scale in a balanced way and without having excessive accumulations of fat.
Our Angus products are imported and have a certified Irish origin of the breed originating in Angusshire and Aberdeenshire.